Contact Information:
Stephanie Valdivia – 21st CCLC Grant Director
(573) 765–3716 Ext. 132
PO Box 130 27600 Hwy. AA, Laquey, MO 65534
Email: svaldivia@laqueyhornets.us
Assistant Director/Data Entry - Hilary Ackley: hackley@laqueyhornets.us
Elementary Site Coordinator - Tamara Coffman: tcoffman@laqueyhornets.us
Junior High/High School Site Coordinator - Anna Lees: alees@laqueyhornets.us
Impact Coordinator - Lindsay Hunter: lhunter@laqueyhornets.us
Group Leaders: Margaret Wade, Kristen Henderson, Deja Solomon, Chris Pannell, Audrey Grant, Crystal Hainline ,
Baleigh Leckrone, Amber Clayborn

Program Information:
The Laquey R5 School District 21st Century Community Learning Center (CCLC) Cohort 14 is committed to providing Laquey students with a quality program that is safe as well as supporting both academic and social development. Hornet Club also provides parent services for students participating in the program.
Program Summary:
Hornet Club is a before and afterschool program for students of Laquey school district. We meet before and afterschool everyday school is in session. Hornet Club starts on the first day of school and runs through the last day of school. Hornet Club offers tutoring and homework help in addition to enrichment opportunities for students.
Hours of Operations/Daily Activities:
The morning program starts at 6:40am and continues for the one hour prior to school starting. The students are then released to the cafeteria to pick up their breakfast and make their way to their classroom. Parents may drop off their student starting at 6:40am. Students that are brought to the morning program must come and sign their child in on the sign-in sheet. This ensures the accountability and safety of the child into our care.
Drop-off/Pick-up Locations:
All Hornet Club drop off and pick-ups are located at the Elementary Gym doors. There is a white button on the outside of the door if dropping off in the morning program and a staff is not standing there to greet your child. Parents MUST walk their student to the doors; you may NOT drop off and drive away before student is signed in.
Pick-ups start at 4:30 pm and continue until 6:00pm. We hold off pick-ups until 4:30pm so our students can have a full hour of enrichment and homework/tutoring.
Pick-up Policy:
There is a 100% ID CHECK at Hornet Club when picking up students. Failure to provide identification will result in the student not being able to leave the program. There is a sign on the double doors as a reminder to those picking students up.
Students will only be released to those people that are listed on the registration form. If the person is not listed on the form, the student will not be released to them. This is for the safety of the student. If there is an instance where you do not want the student released to someone, please make sure you note that on the registration form and let our administrative assistant or grant director know.
Elementary School:
The afterschool program begins once school is released at 3:30 and runs until 6:00pm. All students will receive a snack free of charge.
A typical afternoon in Hornet Club consists of snack, enrichment until 4:30pm, recess, some social emotional learning and then free choice time. While we do our best to assist all students, we cannot always ensure all homework is completed. We do ask that parents check the work of the students.
We have teachers on staff that are willing to work with students in tutoring, reading, math and any other avenue during Hornet Club. Students will be located across the Elementary building and sometimes outside for enrichment.
Our possible enrichment programs can include Around the World, Keen Kinders, Preschool program, STEM, MakerSpace, Tutoring, Piano, Choir Club, and much more!
Middle/High School:
The afterschool program for the middle and high school starts when school finishes at 3:30pm and runs until 5:30 pm. Students receive a snack.
MS/HS Hornet Club offers tutoring, E-Sports, cooking, STEM, strength and conditioning as well as maker space, theater, Nailtology, TECH Challenge Lego League, Pokemon, virtual reality and other activities as added throughout the semester.